CLAIR is a word describing types of clear sensitivity corresponding to our physical and intuitive senses. Clair begins words that name our intuitive abilities.
The following are definitions of the various Clair Senses:
❂The Fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius all tend towards impulsive actions. Often these impulses are the result of that fiery inner guidance pushing you to act. Do it now! Don’t think, don’t consider, don’t attempt to second guess. Fire signs are able to channel their incredible energy to others, leaving people feeling refreshed and vital after spending time with fire.
❆The Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces connect to other people psychically. This ability can reveal itself in empathy, recognition and pure intuition. Analytical thought doesn’t even come close to your ability to feel. Because of this, you are predisposed to be healers and psychic readers.
☁The Air signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra are in tune with thought. They can almost read minds, and indeed, some of them are accomplished at thought channeling. They understand how others think. They are able to use their powers of deduction to work out people’s motivations and possible future actions. Your ability to communicate helps you to get messages through clearly.
❦The Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn often dismiss their own psychic powers as nonsense. They prefer the realities of everyday life. Yet they don’t realize that they are just as psychic as the other signs, and sometimes more so. Earth people have the reassuring ability to make others feel safe and secure.
Clear knowledge is when a person has psychic knowledge without any physical explanation or reason. Claircognizance includes precognition and retro cognition – knowledge of the future and knowledge of the past. There are no restrictions as to what may be known with clear knowledge.
The ability to see objects, actions, or events distant from the present without the use of eyes is called clairvoyance. It transcends time and space and may be a result of what is seen through the third eye (sometimes referred to as our mind's eye) or the fourth eye.
This is the ability to perceive sounds or words and extrasensory noise from sources broadcasting from the spiritual or ethereal realm. These tones exist beyond the reach of rational human experience and beyond the limitations of ordinary space and time. For example:
- sounds made by a person’s body;
- sounds made by living things;
- sounds made by nature;
- sounds made by man-made things;
- sounds made by interactions of the above; and
- ethereal sounds like voices of the dead, specters, or mystic music.
This refers to a person's ability to acquire knowledge by feeling. A person who feels the vibration of other people, animals, and places is clairsentient. There are many degrees of clairsentience, ranging from the perception of thoughts and emotions in others to their illnesses and injuries. This ability differs from clairvoyance because the knowledge comes only from feeling in the body.
Clairsentience includes an individual feeling the physical and emotional pain of land where atrocities have happened; jealousy, insecurity, fear, or displeasure in others; or others’ physical pain.
Clairsalience, also known as clairscent or clairscentency, involves smelling a fragrance or odor of a substance, person, place, or animal not in one's surroundings. These odors are perceived without the use of the physical nose and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.
Clairtangency is psychometry. The clairtangent handles an object or touches something and in doing so knows information about the object or its owner or its history that was not known beforehand. Clairtangency can also apply to touching a living being.
I introduce this label for a “new” unnamed Clair. I chose taction because it is an archaic word defined as “the act of touching or making contact.”
Clairtaction is the ability to sense being touched by a spiritual being or entity and the knowing of information about that spirit. Further, it includes a telekinetic-like ability to extend a touch to both physical and etheric entities in such a way that both the recipient and the psychic have awareness of the feeling. This means that the clairtactient may touch a person who is present or remote without physically touching him or her and the person being touched will, if aware enough, be able to identify where he or she is being touched and the nature of the touch. It also means that the clairtactient can touch something ethereal with both purpose and awareness.
Clear tasting involves being able to taste something without actually putting it into your mouth. It’s the perfect diet plan.
Clairempathy is the ability to know people and their energies. A person who has clairempathy psychically experiences the thoughts or attitudes of a person, place, or animal and then feels the associated mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual results. The result of this clear empathetic experience may be a very physical response for the psychic in proportion to the psychic’s empathic sensitivity.

Claireloquence is a second new Clair. It is the requirement to use precisely the right word or combination of words in order to accomplish a specific objective. Claireloquence connotes that it is the exact meaning of a word that is the result when it may in fact be the performative nature of the word or the exact phonology, or sound system, of the word to encode meaning that is the desired result. I believe that it can be either and both.
Clairessence is a third new Clair I have come to understand and validate. It is the fundamental “Clair of all Clairs.” It is both the easiest and the most difficult to explain, for it is the Clair of Ascension; by the time we fully understand this Clair it will no longer be significant because we will be “it”.
The origin of clairessence is the point of origin of our nature. It is the mathematical and vibrational perfection with which all life was created. It is the ideal we seek to attain in the successful embodiment and integration of all of our senses within our rational and non-rational selves. It is the state we seek to return to – a state without distortion that is more refined, by virtue of experience, than when it was created.